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når ein øver songane som / ligg bak / kan vi få ein finger med i spelet

Plakat for heimesideThe music of Emanuel Bach and the novels by Laurence Sterne have some fascinating similarities, both in their expression and in their structure. In the light of poetry by Are Frode Søholt, Ingrid reflects on how distance in time and culture may be perceived exceedingly irrelevant.
(C. P. E. Bach: Sonaten für Kenner und Liebhaber, Are Frode Søholt: Luftorkester, Laurence Sterne: A Sentimental Journey, Ingrid Hagen: Clavichord, reading and reflections. Instructor and supervisor: Ragnhild Gudbrandsen.)
The concert took place at Bergen Latinskole on the 12th of April, arranged in collaboration with Antikk Musikk and Bergen City Museum.

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